Friday, December 28, 2012

year in review, cause i'm trendy like that

i cannot wrap my head around the fact that 2012 is over. o.v.e.r. what? first of all, this just brings me to the year where i turn 30. woof! i cannot even try to wrap my head around that stuff, so i will just ignore it, until it happens, because it will happen, inevitably.
so, looking back on this year, here on some highlights:

-my baby boy turned 3! where has the time gone?????
-my baby girl came into the world, without an epidural, i don't know what i was thinking, but i proved to myself that i can endure way more than i thought i could.
-Mister turned 28, so young...
-i developed a really incredible relationship with my mother
-i ran...and ran...and ran...
-i lost 47 lbs, gained 60 (pregnancy), and lost 44 (only 16 more to go..woot woot!!)
-i chopped all of my hair off
-friends moved away :(
-i made a new friend. i love her.
-i celebrated 5 years of married bliss. i could not have found a more incredible man.
-the hardest thing that i did this year was admit to 2 different people that i was wrong. you guys, pride is a big thing in my life and it tends to be really hard for me to say that i am sorry. but i was wrong, it needed to be said, so i said it. being forgiven feels amazing.

2012 was an amazing year. the world didn't end, so that's a plus. i look forward to 2013. there are adventures awaiting us and i can't wait to see what's in store. i am grateful for the hard times that we faced this year, i am more grateful for the good times, but, would the sweet be as sweet if we didn't taste the bitter also? i have some goals in store for this year, but we'll talk about that next time.


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

hard times

being sick sucks people. it just generally stinks. i had such an amazing Christmas, i hope you did also. today, however, i was greeted by a tummy grinch. little bugger. pain, cramping, other nasty bad feeling garbage. i am so grateful for my mom. she came over and let me sleep for 2 hours while she watched my little kiddos. now i am at work wishing i was eating chicken noodle soup and not smelling some persons' day old Thai food and clam dip. ugh.

poor Mister had to work almost 12 hours today. he only has 2 days left of working at his dumb job and i think he may have a hour by hour countdown in place. poor guy. i hope he likes being mr. mom, i know that he will be amazing and the kids adore him so much. i am excited to support him and give him the chance to finish classes. yay for my job!

i am really trying to not be grumpy, but i honestly feel like i have been run over by a large truck. no fun. hopefully a good nights sleep tonight will be just what i need. sorry to whine. next post will be better, when i am feeling more myself.


Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Christmas to you

it is the most wonderful time of the year isn't it? i love Christmas. love! so my dear readers, i wish you the merriest of days, the happiest moments and the most lovely times snuggling with your families. i am so thankful for this time of year and the opportunity it gives us to celebrate the Savior, Jesus Christ. i love Him and am thankful for His life and His example. may we all feel a bit of his presence this holiday season.
happy Christmas to you all and a most joyous new year!!

we'll talk about new year goals soon. until then...


Monday, December 17, 2012


have i been on hiadus or what? holy cow, i have not blogged forevs. this is why i don't consider myself a good blog author peeps. i am a sucky face blogger. i have now repented and will promise to do better in the future ok?

so here's the deal-e-o. my super great pal Rachel who is one of the greatest things to ever happen in my life (love you, mean it), did this fun little questionnaire on her blog. so i decided to try and be cool like her. (she was nominated for the Liebster blogging award, that's where the questions come from).

The Liebster Award.
here are the rules:
**list 5 things about yourself**
**answer 11 questions your nominee made for you** (I just used Rachels who used a lovely gal named Lizi's)
**choose your own 11 favorite blogs to nominate** (I won't nominate but I'm hoping some of you play along, I want to know your answers!)

My Five Things
1-i am super good at keeping secrets. i mean, really, super good. i am a vault.

2-i have an irrational fear of sharks. at least my dad says it's irrational. i am pretty sure that being afraid of being attacked without warning, trapped in the razor sharp jaws of a 12 foot beast and being eaten to death sounds pretty rational. that's just me though.

3-i cannot go to sleep at night without reading. i have read 52 books this year (reading the 53, 54 and 55th right now) reading is my thing.

4-every year i think of all the foods that i hate and i try them again. the older i get the more adventurous i become with food. i will honestly try anything.

5-i am nearly certain that my bladder is postioned behind my eyes. i cry SO easily. i am very sensative when it comes to movies, songs, etc., but i am especially emotional when it comes to my kids. when i see them experience something or get excited about something it honestly rocks my socks and i can't contain it. or, if i get really excited about something, like seeing a play or a movie i tend to cry at the beginning, it's ridiculous. i mean, who sits in a theater about to see the Nutcracker Ballet and cries BEFORE it starts. i do.

Rachel's/Lizi's Questions
1. What is your favorite animal and what does that say about you?
i honestly cannot even think of a favorite. i guess a dog?? does that mean i am loyal or dumb enough to chase my own tail? not sure. i can honestly say though that i have never met a dog that i didn't love.

2. What is your first memory?
oh my gosh, this question is so funny because this total creeper at work asked me this when i told him that i was afraid of ghosts. he was trying to psychoanalyze me and he was DIS.GUS.TING. anyway, first memory. playing with my favorite dolls with my sister. i was 3 she was 4.

3. Who has made the biggest impact on who you are today?
impossible to give credit to just one person. i feel like everyone who i come in contact with impacts me, but i would have to say that Flavia Fleischer has made an incredible impact on me and i wouldn't be the person that i am today if i hadn't met her.

4. If you could be any celebrity who would you be and why?
i wouldn't want to be a celebrity, but if i could meet one i would meet Ryan Reynolds. no explanation needed.

5. What is your favorite holiday?
Christmas. i love the trees, the lights, the celebration of the birth of the Savior, the cookies, the candies, the family time, I LOVE IT ALL!

6. What is a movie you have cried in?
a better question would be what movie haven't i cried in.

7. Who/what has inspired you?
i am inspired by beauty, art, music, love, people who are just good. i love the idea of being good and doing good for no reason.

8. Where is the best vacation location?
anyplace where there is a beach and/or amazing food!

9. What goals do you have for the next year?
i have SO many goals.
be more kind
be less judgemental
get my finances in order
nationally certify for my career
get my degree (darn you math!)
write in my journal everyday
pray daily
read the scriptures daily

10. What were you like in high school?
pathetic. haha i was really insecure and i searched for self-worth by dating and chasing after boys who weren't worth my time. i so wish that i could redo high school with the confidence that i have now. i think it would have been much more enjoyable.

11. What makes you happy?
my family. my husband, my babies. there is such amazing joy that fills my heart when one of my kids is laughing. baby girl started to laugh the other day and it was the sweetest sound i ever heard. i love to talk with my friends and know that they are happy. i love the people in my life and will defend them with everything that i have. i love people. i love talking to people. chocolate makes me happy. also, strangely, the feeling of super sore muscles and knowing that my workout just kicked my butt. that makes me happy.

all of this post was written before the horrific tragedy last week. my heart goes out to those families who lost their sweet babies. God bless you all. i am praying for you.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

i run.

i heard a song in a spin class the other day. i need it in my life. i am supposed to run a half marathon in january. *insert self doubt here* this is always the part when i want to quit. the part when i feel like it is so ridiculous to even think that i could complete something like this. running for 13.1 miles? who does that for fun? i haven't been to the gym or running in almost 2 weeks. i have done workouts at home, but nothing to prepare myself to run for 2-3 straight hours. i was feeling really down about it, then i remembered the lyrics to this song.

I run for hope
I run to feel
I run for the truth
For all that is real
I run for your mother your sister your wife
I run for you and me my friend I run for life

-melissa ethridge

now, by no means do i think that my 13.1 miles will save anyones life. but i do run for hope. the hope that i can do it. i run to feel. i feel the pain and the strength, i love the feeling after a run, when my muscles are screaming out in exhaustion but i know that i did it. i run for truth. the truth that it really is mind over body. if i conquer my mind i can do anything. i run to run because i am crazy enough to love it. the doubt that clouds my mind can only last as long as i let it. january 18th i will run for me. i will run.


Monday, December 3, 2012

Hello my dears

happy Monday everyone! i must have had a fantastic weekend with a joyous Monday greeting right? i did, in fact, have a delightful weekend. I spent a lot of time with family starting the Christmas season. we are doing it up right this year ladies and gentlemen. make no mistake about that!

we started off with a very happy Friday. in my neck of the woods there is an amazing childrens hospital. this hospital has a yearly festival where Christmas trees are donated and sold for the benefit of children who are receiving treatment and their families. this lovely festival begane 40 years ago and last year they raised over 1 million dollars! i love it. it was such fun and we had an incredible time with my family.

saturday was another amazing day. i worked in the a.m., spent the afternoon with my kiddies and hubby, went shopping-H&M is Mecca, i fit into an outfit that was a size smaller than expected! hollar ;)-, then my hubby and i went to the party that i look forward to all year. it was super fun; great food, great people, dancing and a photo booth! honestly people, can you think of something that would be more fun??

sunday was, as always, early. we have church at 9:00 a.m., which i beleive was set up for the sole purpose of making mothers of small children frantically wake up late (every.single.week). I set my alarm for 7, i turn it off at 7:05 and me and Mister inevitabley wake up with 40 minutes to get ready. 40 minutes+2kids to get ready/a mommy to get ready=mommy always looking a little less than cute at church. i'm telling you, it is not pretty. regardless of that, it was a nice meeting and then the evening was totally relaxing and wonderful. i am looking forward to all that we will be doing this holiday season. the treats especially!

i hope you had a fantastic weekend and have an even better week. anything fun to report?


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

please don't be offended...

i am the kind of person who doesn't care what people think about me, per se, but i do care if my actions, words or behaviors offend people. i try my hardest to be tolerant and loving to those around me. i hope it's not wrong that i expect the same from others.

this is the time of year when i, a Christian woman, celebrate the birth of my Savior. i celebrate with lights, and trees, gifts and carols; all of which are centered around the celebration of Jesus Christ. i am not asking others to do the same. i am not asking others, or demanding rather, to share in the celebration. in the past, when i have said "Merry Christmas" to others, i have honestly had people yell at me and verbally bash me for "shoving my beliefs down their throats". that's not even what i am trying to do! just trying to spread cheer during such a lovely time of year. man, where is Buddy the elf when i need him!?

if you are Jewish, tell me "Happy Hanakauh". if you are African and celebrate Kwanzaa then by heck tell me "Happy Kwanzaa". if you are agnostic or athiest say "Happy Holidays". i would love it. maybe just don't yell at me if I say "merry Christmas" and not "happy holidays" to you. ok?


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

it's tuesday!

as a mother of two i don't think i am supposed to admit this. i will surely have someone on my case if i do, but i LOVE my job. i am an american sign language interpreter. (no i don't read braille, to answer a question i am often asked. ugh)i digress. as an interpreter i get to be "the fly on the wall" in many situations. some crazy, some amazing, some terrible or sad, some incredibly joyous, but all interesting. it truly makes me grateful everyday to be able to wake up in the morning and be excited to go to work when i have to. don't get me wrong peeps, i love the kids, LOVE them (even more than my job), but i am just grateful that I have a job that i love. not to mention being bilingual is the shiz. honestly. did i mention that i get free 10 minutes massages? every two weeks or so, i do. in fact, i am headed for one in about 30 minutes and i cannot wait. the yoga sesh i did yesterday was killer on my shoulders.

speaking of exercise. I am finally getting some because at 3 months old my little angel child has decided to sleep 9 hours during the night. this has given me the much needed energy to get my butt in gear and shed the last 20 lbs from my 60 lb(ack!) maternity weight gain. i am SO close to being able to fit back into my pre-preg clothes. i cannot wait! i have started waking up at 5:45 am 4 times a week to work out-by started i mean that i am starting tomorrow- and...i am running a half marathon in january. there. now that i have said it online i have to do it right? hold me to it folks. hold me to it.

i have decided that i need to wear makeup more often. i am honestly a little too comfortable going out in public without makeup. Stacy London and Clinton Kelly would be so ashamed. it's just little bits of laziness and that is something i am going to work on. can we count that as a new year's resolution? is that the most pathetic resolution you have ever heard of? "Hey there, what did you improve this year?" "i wore more blush". actually, i think it has a nice ring to it. well, that's settled then. more makeup for me.

i have a really incredible book suggestion. if you are religiously inclined might i suggest "Broken Things to Mend" by Jeffrey R. Holland. this book is incredible. it has been amazing so far, i am 24 pages in, and i have already cried 3 times. oh that Elder Holland knows how to testify! love it, love him.

is this the most random collection of thoughts ever? i beleive it is.


Friday, November 23, 2012

disappointments, who needs 'em

they come in all shapes, sizes and varieties. disappointments. today we heard back from one of the places Mister has applied for work. he didn't get it. it's interesting to recieve information like that the very day after we were counting our blessings. i thought it was perfect timing because it wasn't as crushing as i thought it would be.
i kept telling Mister that i was sad because the job would have taken us on an incredible adventure. but then i got to thinking about that. my life IS an incredible adventure!
I married the man of my dreams, i have two beautiful, healthy children who bring me so much joy and make every day a new exciting time. my son is always so excited about the things that he sees. when i look at the world through his eyes i cannot help but be excited too. i mean, let's be honest, a walking stick is a very exciting thing. it's a bug, that looks like a stick!
i guess today i am looking at disappointments in a different way. i am thankful that Mister will be going back to school full time. i am excited that he will have the chance to focus on his degree and get that done. and what an adventure (yes!) it will be to support our family while he finishes. the day he walks and recieves his degree will be an amazing day. i am so proud of him.
so i guess today my head is in a good place and i am looking at things in a positive way. we are healthy, happy, and blessed. in fact, i am feeling so content that i don't even have one snarky-boo thing to say about "black friday". ;)


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Time to give thanks

what kind of a crazy person would I be if I didn't give thanks today? Super cray. so here we go. here's a short list of thankfuls -my life -the Savior -my testimony - my Mister, he is my best friend and words cannot even express how deeply i cherish him -2 amazing children who I marvel at everyday, they(along with Mister) are the greatest gifts I have ever been given -parents -siblings, each one of them -nephews and nieces -the rachels in my life. they are two of the most important people I have. i would be incomplete without them -charlotte, always thinks of others first. i adore her -bryton, makes me feel loved exactly when I need it. -becca, who i miss like crazy. -family that is far away. i miss them -pie -indoor plumbing -heat -pumps, of a motherly variety (wink wink) -temples -chocolate -the scriptures -patriarchal blessings -prayer -the knowledge that heaven is real -movies -ryan reynolds ;) -food -clean water -an amazing job -getting paid time and a half (hollar!) -acceptance -self-worth -joy -running -zumba -friends -contentment -trials -my vocabulary. i love learning new words -american sign language -service -cooking -the food network -cuisine at home magazine -love -ricotta cheese -my kindle -learning -the holiday season -shoes -H&M -this could go on for days i will end now happy thanksgiving! ~hugs

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Let's try this again

hi guys! how are you? well, i am blogging again. under a new moniker and web address, but indeed blogging again. i had my reasons for switching, the safety of my kids being number one. i felt weird about having their pictures and names online for all to see. needless to say, i will be using nicknames when talking about them and the mister from now on. i wanted a place that was just mine, not a "family blog", but a "me" blog wherein i sometimes talk about my family and how much i LOVE them. cause i do. so much. i am going to try to be more of myself on this blog, a bit more open and honest; but also a bit more positive. i can't wait to get this going again, to share my ideas and my thoughts with you all. ~hugs